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Suárez in non-English translation

The following lists all the translations of Suárez into modern languages other than English of which I am aware. Since I am less familiar with non-English work, I have no doubt that the following list is incomplete. If you know of any missing translations, I would, of course, be grateful to hear from you. If you are looking for English translations, see 'Suárez in English translation'. It's worth noting that non-English translations often provide invaluable material in the footnotes even for those preferring to read Suárez in English or Latin.

The list is organized alphabetically by the language of translation and then by the Latin titles of the works. In cases of online translations, I just provide the translator's name which is linked to the translation in question; in other cases, I provide the relevant publication information.


  • De legibus (excerpts?) - Legeen eta Jainko legegilearen Tratatua. By Andrés Urrutia. Donostia Jakin D.L.: 2010.


  • De legibus I-II - Des lois et du Dieu législateur. By Jean-Paul Coujou. Paris: Dalloz, 2003.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae I-III - Disputes métaphysiques I, II, III. Translated by Jean-Paul Coujou. Vrin: 1998.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae XXVII-XXIX - Disputes métaphysiques, XXVII-XXIX Translated by Jean-Paul Coujou. Million: 2009.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae XXXI - La distinction de l'étant fini et de son être, Dispute métaphysique XXXI. Vrin: 1999.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae LIV - Les êtres de raison, Dispute métaphysique LIV. Translated by Jean-Paul Coujou. Vrin: 2002.
  • Index locupletissimus in Metaphysicam Aristotelis - Suárez et la refondation de la métaphysique comme ontologie: étude et traduction de l'"Index détaillé de la métaphysique d'Aristote" de F. Suárez. Translated by Jean-Paul Coujou. Louvain: Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, 1999.


  • De charitate (excerpts) - Ausgewählte Texte zum Völkerrecht. Translated by Joseph de Vries. Tübingen: Mohr, 1965.
  • De fide (excerpts) - Ausgewählte Texte zum Völkerrecht. Translated by Joseph de Vries. Tübingen: Mohr, 1965.
  • De legibus I-II - Abhandlung über die Gesetze und Gott den Gesetzgeber. Translated by Norbert Brieskorn. Freiburg: Haufe, 2002.
  • De legibus II - Über die Gesetze und Gott den Gesetzgeber. Zweites Buch: Das ewige Gesetz, das natürliche Gesetz und das Völkerrecht. Translated by Oliver Bach, Norbert Brieskorn, and Gideon Stiening. tuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2016.
  • De legibus II (excerpts) - Ausgewählte Texte zum Völkerrecht. Translated by Joseph de Vries. Tübingen: Mohr, 1965.
  • De legibus III - Über die Gesetze und Gott den Gesetzgeber. Drittes Buch: Von der bürgerlich-weltlichen Herrschaft. Von der politischen Verpflichtung. Translated by Oliver Bach, Norbert Brieskorn, and Gideon Stiening. Frommann-Holzboog, 2014.
  • De voluntario et involuntario - Über das Willentliche und das Unwillentliche. Translated by Stefan Schweighöfer. Freiburg: Herder, 2016.
  • Defensio fidei catholicae III.5 - Ausgewählte Texte zum Völkerrecht. Translated by Joseph de Vries. Tübingen: Mohr, 1965.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae V - Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip. Translated by Rainer Specht. Felix Mainer: 1976.


  • De bello - Sulla guerra. Translated by Aldo Andrea Cassi. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2014.
  • De legibus I - Trattato delle leggi e di Dio legislatore: libro primo. By Ottavio De Bertolis. Padova: CEDAM, 2008.
  • De legibus II - Trattato delle leggi e di Dio legislatore: libro secondo. By Ottavio De Bertolis and Franco Todescan. Padova: CEDAM, 2010.
  • De legibus III - Trattato delle leggi e di Dio legislatore: libro terzo. By Ottavio De Bertolis and Franco Todescan. Padova: CEDAM, 2013.
  • De legibus IV - Trattato delle leggi e di Dio legislatore: libro IV. By Ottavio De Bertolis and Franco Todescan. Padova: CEDAM, 2014.
  • De legibus V - Trattato delle leggi e di Dio legislatore: libro quinto. By A. Micaglio, F. Todescan, and A. Vernacotola Gualtieri d’Ocre. Padova: Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2019.
  • De opere sex dierum - Tratado sobre la obra de los seis días. Edición crítica bilingüe, preparada por Cintia Faraco y Leopoldo José Prieto López. Estudio introductorio de Cintia Faraco. Traducción y anotación crítica de Leopoldo José Prieto López y Cintia Faraco. Editorial Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Colección Clásicos Francisco de Vitoria: Madrid, forthcoming.
  • De opere sex dierum V (excerpts) - Trattato dell'Opera dei sei giorni: libro quinto. By Cintia Faraco. Capua: Artetetra, 2015.
  • Defensio fidei catholicae III - Difesa della fede cattolica, Libro III. By Riccardo Campa. Viterbo: Union Printing Editori, 1992.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae I-III - Disputazioni metafisiche I-III. Translated by Constantino Esposito. Milan: Rusconi, 1996.
  • Disputatio metaphysica V - L'unità individuale e il suo principio: La quinta Disputazione Metafisica. Translated by Nicolò Galasso and Paolo Treves. Milan: Mimesis, 2023.


  • De legibus I - De legibus. With a presentation by Mendo Castro Henriques and translated by Gonçalo Moita and Luís Cerqueira. Lisbon: Tribuna da História, 2004.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae I-III - Disputas metafísicas I - II - III, transl. Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento. Introductory studies by Cesar Ribas Cezar, José Francisco Meirinhos, Paula Oliveira, and Silva e Juliano de Almeida Oliveira. São Paulo: Editora Madamu. 2022.
  • Disputatio metaphysica VII.1 - In Questões de Metafísica: As Disputações Metafisicas de Francisco Suárez Estudos e Antologia de textos, transl. Paula Oliveira e Silva. Porto: Edições Universidade de Porto, 2011.
  • Disputatio metaphysica VIII.1--5 - In Questões de Metafísica: As Disputações Metafisicas de Francisco Suárez Estudos e Antologia de textos, transl. Paula Oliveira e Silva. Porto: Edições Universidade de Porto, 2011.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae XXVIII-XXX - Disputas Metafísicas XXVIII - XXIX - XXX. Translated and with an introduction by Cesar Ribas Cezar. São Paulo: Editora Madamu, 2023. ISBN 978-65-86224-45-0.


  • De anima - Comentarios a los Libros de Aristóteles Sobre El Alma. By Salvador Castellote. 3 vols. Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1978-92.
  • De legibus I-IV - Tractatus de legibus ac Deo legislatore. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1971-81.
  • De legibus V-VI - Tractatus de legibus ac Deo legislatore. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2010-. (Work on a critical edition of De legibus with a facing Spanish translation was disbanded in 1982 after completing the first four books—published in eight volumes—but has resumed under a new editorial team. As of 2013, Books V and VI have been released.)
  • De religione Societatis Jesu IX.5 - Los ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola: una defensa. Translated with introduction and notes by Josep Giménez Melià. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2003.
  • Defensio fidei catholicae - Defensa de la Fe Catolica y Apostolica contra los Errores del Anglicanismo. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Politicos, 1974.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae - Disputaciones metafísicas. Translated by Sergio Romeo, Salvador Sánchez, and Antonio Zanon. 7 vols. Madrid: Biblioteca Hispanica de Filosofia, 1960-66.
  • Disputationes metaphysicae (selected texts) - Disputaciones Metafísicas. Presentacion de Sergio Rabade Romeo; estudio preliminar de Francisco Leon Florido. Madrid: Eitorial Tecnos, 2011.
  • Disputatio metaphysica I - Introducción a la metafísica. Translated by Javier Andúriz, S. J. Introduction by Ismael Quiles S. J. Buenos Aires: Cía Gral Fabril Financiera Espasa-Calpe, 1943. Reprint: Barcelona: Editorial Planeta De Agostini, 2011.